
Confirmation Letter Format

Confirmation Letter Format


A confirmation letter is an official letter handed over to the employee when the employee is moved from the probation period to the confirmed employee of the organization. A confirmation letter should be congratulating in tone and acts as a great source of motivation for the employees. It should be short and crisp.


First Name Last Name,

14, Sanskruti Bhavan,

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Mobile: xxxxxxxxxx

Email: firstnamelastname@gmail.com


Subject: Confirm as Senior Accounts Executive

Dear First Name,

After all the evaluation process of your performance, we are glad to inform you that you have been confirmed in the capacity Of Senior Executive with our organization w.e.f DD, MM, YYYY. The terms and conditions of your employment and your job responsibilities will continue to remain the same.

Your CTC package will be Rs. 3 lacs p.a. You may please contact the HR department for the necessary break-up. We thank you for your contribution made to your process and hope that you will perform with equal enthusiasm in future. We wish you all the best in all your future endeavours.


Best Regards,

HR Manager.

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