
10 Things to be consider in your HR Policy


10 Things to be consider in your HR Policy


Clear and effective HR policies are essential for any successful start-up or small & medium business enterprise. It sets out equal rules for all whether its an Employer or an Employee can protect their rights against Employers. Unfortunately, policies are the last thing in anyone’s mind whether it’s a small company’s owner.

Here are the top 10 HR policies that can help you to achieve your company’s goal:

1. Safety & Health Policy

Every company’s main motto is their employees should stay healthier and safer. If he/she is injured or anything happens during non office hours, then primarily the company is not responsible for the incidence , but if he/she injures inside the company, then it will be a primary responsibility of a company to assist them in medical procedures.So it is important to frame a Safety and Health policy to protect and define your roles and responsibilities.


2. Drug & Alcohol Policy

This is the most important point for every small & large organization. In some sectors it is found that employee smoking & taking alcohol during the working hours & it will affect the culture & health of other employees. So if someone is smoking, drinking, taking drugs or taking any harmful products during working hours, directly remove them because it affects your organization reputation & employees health as well. 


3. Bullying & Harassment

 Did you know a manager will be responsible if any staff gets harassed in an organization? The organization has to take all the responsible tips so that employees will not get harassed or bullied in an organization. However in the absence of comprehensive policy, this may increase.


4. Leave Benefits

Every company has a leave and time benefits policy where you can take a paid leave for 15 to 20 Days in a year. If you are new in a company, after 6 months you will be able to take a paid leave. These policies include sickness, holidays, vacations or many more.It also includes notice periods for employees when they will apply for leave.


5. Be Punctual

This is the most important point for those employees who always come late to the office. Your attendance makes it clear that you are ready to work at their scheduled date & time or not. This creates a bad impression as an employer point of view. Always attend office on or before time.


6. Data & Privacy Policy

 Every company has to take the responsibility to keep their employees & customer details & data safely & carefully. Every business has a policy on how they keep their information privately & securely. A privacy policy makes it clear which information we need to show publicly and which information we need to create privately. It also includes employees records such as their Name, Contact no., Email id, address, etc.


7. Break & Meal Period

Every company has their different breaks & meal policy. This policy informs all the employees frequency & duration of that break as well as the strict rules and regulations related to their break and meal period. Every company has to give more than 30 minutes for their lunch break.


8. Internet and Email Policy

With the increased use of technology in business, it’s very important to manage Emails & Internet usage. This policy defines what is inappropriate use of a company’s computers and internet property as well as what consequences an employee may face in case of inappropriate or private use of internet and emails.


9. Knowledge Sharing

This is the most important point for all the employers as well as employees. If you gain any knowledge from anywhere whether it’s from google, yahoo or any other way you have gained that knowledge or that particular point, then share that with your colleagues and with your friends. Knowledge sharing will help to grow your business longer and faster.


10. Grievance Policy

Many companies deal with some workplace where they get controversy at some point. Grievance policy at the workplace acts as an important tip for employees to understand what steps they need to follow while they get complaints from clients.

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